I’ll play hard.

I’ll crash.

I’ll search.

I will try and look for what’s hidden in my Neverland, the black hole that is eager to swallow almost anything.

I’ll imagine.

I’ll be honest and bold.

I will use my body as the toy that embodies different forms and images.

by Juan Carlos Toledo


Fernando Troya (1989) is a dance maker based in The Netherlands. Born in Madrid, Spain, he is classically trained at the Royal Conservatory of Madrid. Professionally has danced for Goyo Montero, Stephan Thoss and with Netherlands Dance Theatre II.

He has produced independent projects, such as the series Reminiscente, a 2.5 years research on Plato's Theory of Form, and the painter Francisco de Goya, with 5 different dance creations, performed nationally and internationally (Mexico, Russia, Turkey…) and supported by Dansmakers Amsterdam, Korzo Theatre in The Hague, and the National Funds for the Performing Arts in Holland and The Spanish Embassy in Turkey, St. Petersburg and Mexico City; Essential Rights, awarded the BNG Bank Dansprijs in the Netherlands; premiered in Korzo Theatre in The Hague and performed at Dansmakers Amsterdam; Withering, a solo performed and awarded in different festivals around the world (1st prize at ’10 Sentidos’ festival in Valencia, Spain; 2nd prize for best performance at the Solo-Tanz-Theatre Festival in Stuttgart and 3rd prize for choreography at the Warsaw Zawirowania Choreography Competition,); 

He also takes part in international collaborations, such as Found in Translation, with Slovenian maker Kristina Aleksova; among others. And simultaneously, Fernando has also created commissioned works for international dance companies: Uncertain Distance for Ballet Finland, premiered at the National Theatre in Helsinki; ‘The animal that takes you’ for the Budapest Dance Theatre, premiered at the National Theatre in Budapest. Recently he has been creating works for dance universities in the Netherlands: AHK (MTD and MIME Opleiding), ArtEZ and Codarts.


    Arturo Vargas

    Arturo Vargas has collaborated with Fernando already many times. Arturo is mainly a performer when working with Fernando, but he has a very important creative input during the creative process as a co-creator and dramaturge.

    Marko Ivic

    Marko Ivic is mainly a composer when working with Fernando, he composes and plays live music during the performances. But also, Marko is a very talented video editor. So the latest trailers have been made by him.

    Quentin Roger

    Quentin Roger currently mainly assists Fernando Troya, but he has also work as a dancer and is starting to produce his own work as a choreographer.

    Nicola Hepp

    Nicola Hepp is a swedish filmmaker and choreographer, based in The Netherlands. Her films have been screened,nominated and awarded at festivals worldwide.

    Kristina Aleksova

    Kristina and Fernando have created Found in Translation together. The combination of Kristina's logical and rational mind matched very well the more physical and instinctive approach of Fernando.

    Samuel Silva

    Degree in theater and director of the Hypothesis fiction company. He develops works as an actor, lighting designer and director. He is currently in Madrid rehearsing the company's new production, studying a master's degree in lighting and video and collaborating with other groups.

    Marjio Zupanov

    With the funnest twist, Marjio always manages to get the best photos and new idea to keep developing my works.

    Román Méndez

    Román is an actor and theatre director, and he has enrolled as an assistant and co-thinker to acompany the creative process of JTDQNHD

by Juan Carlos Toledo

©2023 Fernando Troya