
  • Type: Collaboration
  • Genre: Dance filme
  • Date: 2016-10-22
  • Location: The Netherlands , Hyde Park cinema, Leeds, UK
  • Number of performers: 2
  • Duration: 1:23
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A house that is falling apart. A relationship that is crumbling.

When there is nothing left.

A brief, charged farewell in a house falling apart, this short weaves the complex tapestry of emotions and personal history of a relationship between an man and a woman from the sublime to the anguished. This is the swan song of a relationship that is crumbling, when there is nothing left. (Walter Krochmal, Bronx World Film Festival)

A film by Nicola Hepp.

Camera: Adnan Hasovic

Choreography & Dance: Mercedes Go and Fernando Troya.

Music & Sounddesign: Good Sounds.

Direction & Edit: Nicola Hepp

Special thanks to Mayke van Veldhuizen, Maike Jongerius, Peter Fraza and Pepe’s Wijk bij Duurstede

Home was screened at Inside/Outside Dance Film Event in India, Encore Dance on Film, Move Concreto Mostra de Video Danca, Stockholm Dansfilmfestival and Bronx World Film, US among others. It was also shown at the Ming Contemporary Art Museum in Shanghai and took part in Videodance Brazil. In 2018 it was screened at Short Waves Festival, Poland.

Home was a semifinalist at 60secondsdance.com in 2017, and a finalist in La danza en 1 minuto in 2018.